Quality policy
The aim of the Authority is to provide services in such a way that the needs and requirements of customers are optimally satisfied, especially for the quality and scope of work. The Authority wants to meet these requirements with maximum use of the knowledge and experience of its employees and the experience of its customers. Therefore, the Authority, aware of its duties and responsibilities arising from Act No. 309/2000 Coll. and other generally binding legal regulations1), and aware of its responsibilities arising from the National Quality Policy of the Czech Republic, announces this quality policy applied to the area of defense standardization, cataloging and state quality assurance:
1. Increase customer satisfaction and create a favorable image of the Authority by continuous improvement of provided services and their expansion.
2. Retain existing customers and further expand their scope by fulfilling the current and future needs and expectations of customers, in the context of Act No. 309/2000 Coll. and other generally binding legal regulations.
3. Focus on increasing efficiency and effectiveness of the quality management system using modern management tools, internal audits and apply preventive and remedial measures.
4. Adopt and evaluate quality objectives for the field of defense standardization, cataloging and state quality verification in order to improve the quality management system and the quality of services provided.
5. Purposefully improve relationships and cooperation with customers and develop mutual trust based on mutual awareness.
6. Increase the qualification, professional competence and commitment of the employees to ensure the required quality of services provided.
7. Stimulate our employees who are the basic source for fulfilling the tasks of the Authority, fulfill this quality policy with appropriate motivational tools.