About us
The Defence Standardisation, Codification and Government Quality Assurance Authority (hereinafter referred to as the Authority) was established pursuant to Article 79 para. 1 of the Constitution of the Czech Republic by Act No. 309/2000 Coll., On Defense Standardization, Cataloging and State Quality Verification of Products and Services Trade Licensing Act, as amended, as an administrative office with nationwide competence for the above areas of activity. The Office is subordinated to the Ministry of Defense.
The Authorities' competence in the field of defense standardization, cataloging and state quality verification is determined in particular by:
- Act No. 309/2000 Coll., On Defense Standardization, Cataloging and State Verification of the Quality of Products and Services Intended to Ensure State Defense and on the Amendment of the Trade Licensing Act, as amended;
- Decree of the Ministry of Defense No. 5/2001 Coll., Which lays down the requisites of the cataloging clause, models of application forms, notifications and overviews related to cataloging and a model certificate of competence to process draft cataloging data on the product;
- Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic of 27 November 2000 No. 1194 on the Rules of the Comments Procedure on the Proposal for Accession to the NATO Standardization Agreement and the Settlement of Comments as amended by Government Resolution No. 1167 of 19 December 2016 amending the Government Resolution of No. 1194 of 27 November 2000, on the Rules of the Comments Procedure on the Proposal for Accession to the NATO Standardization Agreement and the Method of Settlement of Comments;
- International agreements by which the Czech Republic is bound.
The Authority sets out the concept, strategic objectives, creation and management of defense standardization, cataloging and state verification of the quality of products and services designed to ensure the state's defense. In individual areas of activity, it is the body for the creation and implementation of standardization policy, for the management of a unified cataloging system and for the construction and management of a system for state verification of the quality of products and services. In carrying out its tasks, it cooperates with other ministries, other administrative authorities, regions, relevant NATO bodies, similar authorities or bodies of NATO member states and similar authorities or bodies of other states.
The Authority also closely cooperates with the Ministry of Defense and participates in the elaboration of principles and procedures related to the implementation of the above-mentioned agendas for the benefit of the Ministry of Defense.
The Authority represents the Czech Republic in the relevant NATO bodies, in the relevant international organizations and ensures the tasks that result for the Czech Republic from the actions of these bodies and organizations.
In terms of professional orientation, the Authority participates in the activities of the Quality Council of the Czech Republic and the Accreditation Council. It also participates in the activities of the Technical Committee for Accreditation of Certification Bodies performing quality system certification and the Technical Committee for Accreditation of Testing Laboratories, which are advisory bodies of the Czech Accreditation Institute.